1. Why are overweight rates on commercial airlines high? 

All commercial airlines always have an additional capacity for sending overweight baggage, however it is controlled because these spaces are previously rented by the airline through long-term contracts to other companies specialized in commercial cargo that handle high volumes on a regular basis. These companies "rent" these spaces and "re-sell" them to exporting companies.

2. Can a particular person "rent" or enter into a contract with a commercial airline or cargo? 

Some airlines do, however the person will have to comply with a process and signing documents that meets the requirements of airport authorities and customs. It also has to meet a minimum weight for each shipment. Commonly because it is an occasional shipment ... the costs can be very high or similar to those offered at the airport window.

3. Why do I ship through Extra Luggage, the costs are lower? 

Our company has signed long-term contracts with several international airlines, covering more than 450 destinations in the world. We are also registered as a company "Freight forwarder" complying with all records of policies and documentation required by the customs and airport authorities of Canada. Remember that the heavy the shipment ... the lower the rates!!


4. What is the truth about sending personal effects via Maritime?

 The Maritime cargo is sent in the same cargo-container along with other commercial shipments, in such a way that it can be contaminated or damaged. Containers are re-shipped from smaller shipping lines to forwarding shipping companies in mobile ports in the Caribbean. In other words, the cargo arrives in a different boat from the one that was initially sent. The shipping company sells spaces in container ... in such a way that the cargo can be mistreated when trying to fill to the maximum weight of the entire cargo-container. The regulations for international shipments require that all items/goods must be palletized with specialized non-contaminated wood ... which increases costs.

At the port, the client must personally withdraw their equipment, and directly pay a customs agent specialized in handling personal effects. You always run the risk of paying over costs for storage. You do not have control of your load and there is no online tracking system. A great deal of documentation and cargo manipulation is done at the port of your luggage or utensils, increasing the risk of loss or damage. Delivery time sometimes exceeds the 30 days. The person will have to pay the costs of transfer from port to the city of final destination. Shipment of articles, boxes or packages without proper documentation of each shipper and with other cargo of private persons in a single container and in the name of a Third Party Not legal and may cause extra payments or seizure of their cargo by the customs authorities. All merchandise entering any country must pay taxes unless it is declared as unaccompanied luggage or personal items with individualized documentation for each person.

5. What is the estimated time of delivery of your cargo?

By Air: 3 to 5 days

By Sea: 3 to 4 weeks

6. How long should I make the reservation for unaccompanied luggage? 

Minimum 5 days to coordinate pick up, packing and booking of space on the airline shipping company. The company can make an exception in less than 5 days, for which you must pay an additional fee for last/minute/urgent service.

7. Does the company offer a storage service? 

Many of our customers travel before to other destinations before arriving at their last destination. Extra Luggage offers the local warehouse service and coordinate the shipment of your cargo with the arrival of the customer.  Note:  We do not offer storage service at the city of destination.

8. What are the mandatory documents required to send an overweight load/suitcase through Extra Luggage?

a. Copy of passport

b. Packaging List (Download PDF)

c. Terms & Conditions Agreement (Download PDF)

d. If you want to secure the load .... Packing List for Insurance (Download PDF)

9. What is the process to claim the shipment/cargo at the destination airport? 

Extra Luggage will send you via email or normal national mail the copy of your shipment document of your cargo, (AWB - Air way Bill). This document specifies the tracking number so that you can track your shipment online. This document also tells you the airline, the flight and the estimated day of arrival.

On the flight you will fill out the "Declaration of Goods and Baggage" form. In this form you must place the number of suitcases that travel with you on the flight ... IT IS IMPORTANT NOT TO FORGET to write the number of suitcases that you are sending as UN- ACCOMPANIED LUGGAGE on another flight.  Remember that this information is in the Air Way Bill that Extra Luggage has provided you. Note: It is not necessary to describe in detail the items you carry in your unaccompanied luggage; just write the number "Unaccompanied Luggage" and personal use.

Once you have passed through the Immigration counter/window, you should next approach the window of a customs officer to notify you that you have sent unaccompanied luggage on another flight. The customs officer will place an stamp on the form you filled in the plane. Some countries provide a special format where the passenger describes the quantity and weight of unaccompanied baggage.

Normally the cargo/shipment arrives one day before or one day after your arrival. This is coordinated so that you do not pay storage costs. You have a period of 48 hours from the time of arrival of the cargo to claim your shipment to avoid payment of storage.

The airline will notify you by telephone of the arrival of your cargo. Make sure that the telephone you provided us is active and / or that has a mailbox in which they can leave a message. The airline will inform you the time and address of the warehouse where you can claim your cargo. It is commonly in the cargo area of ​​all airports.

To claim your shipment at the warehouse you should bring the following documents:     Passport,    AWB (Air Way Bill),    Customs form stamped by the customs authorities upon arrival in the country.    General packing list. (Not on the insurance packing list).

Once the cargo has been inspected in your presence, the customs agent will advise you to pay for documentation (the documentation fee and national stamp costs from US $ 10 to US $ 25 in all Latin American countries). The payment can be made there directly, however some airlines request to present the receipt of payment made in a bank.

Hire the local or personal transportation service and remove your luggage.

10. What is the maximum time allowed to claim my bags. Unaccompanied luggage or luggage in airmail? 

Usually airlines give 48 hours from the day of arrival of the cargo. After 48 Hours, warehouse charges will be incurred.

11. Do I have to pay taxes for the cargo, suitcases or boxes? 

Used personal items including household items and/or furniture used for at least 6 months (some countries 12 months, do not pay taxes. However sometimes this concept is subject to the customs officer’s discretion. Tax can apply if the sender sends items that are new and has the purchase tag. Extra Luggage has real statistics of its customers which testify the NO payment of taxes for unaccompanied luggage.

12. Can a family member or friend claim my cargo

Yes,…. However the UNACCOMPANIED Luggage Service is designed for travelers who do not wish to carry their luggage with them or who wish to carry more baggage than permitted on commercial airlines. Because these are used personal items.... They are exempt / free from taxes since they will be withdrawn by the same passenger. If a family member or friend is the person who picks up the shipment, there is a high probability that the customs authorities will charge you the corresponding taxes as a commercial load. If this happens you must do an entire import process for each type of items you carry (example: clothes, furniture, appliances, sports equipment, etc.)

13. How much is documentation cost (AWB issue) for shipping?

 It is a one-time fee of US $ 75 dls. Independent of weight and number of pieces.

14. What is the process to claim the shipment at the port of destination?

Extra Luggage will send you via email or normal national mail the copy of your shipment document of your cargo, (AWB - Air way Bill). This document also indicates the shipping company, flight, scheduled time of departure and the estimated time of arrival.

15. What type of packaging should I use and which is accepted for air shipping? 

Preferably conventional suitcases / suitcases, but also can be sent in boxesWith heavy duty/ great resistance, as well as in barrels and plastic containers.

16. What is the maximum time allowed to claim my shipment/ unaccompanied baggage in shipping? 

Usually the shipping companies give 72 hours from the day of arrival of the cargo. After 72 Hours, warehouse charges will be incurred.

17. What kind of packaging should I use and which is accepted for shipping? 

Keep in mind that it can be sent in any type of packing, nevertheless all the luggage must be placed inside a Sanitized Wood Drawer adhered to a pallet or stowage.

18. Should I Mark the my luggage and/or boxes? 

Yes, it is important that you put the essential information - Name, destination airport, local telephone and telephone at destination. The company also places each piece with a Label / sticker with the AWB number and other customer information.

19. What is the minimum or maximum weight charge of my Unaccompanied Baggage for airmail? 

The total minimum load to be shipped is 100 lbs. This can be completed with several boxes / suitcases. It is important to avoid sending small boxes weighing less than 30 lbs and not more than 100 lbs per piece / suitcase / suitcase.

20. What is the minimum or maximum weight of my Unaccompanied luggage/ shipment overseas/maritime? 

The minimum total load to be sent in maritime shipping is 1 Metro Cubico (maximum weight per cubic meter 2,200 pounds); This cubic measure can be completed with several boxes / suitcases, which will go inside the pallet-crate. There is no minimum or maximum weight. The important thing to consider is that it can be moved from the home / apartment to the truck / truck that carries the cargo to the warehouse of the airline. Local transport is based on the volume / weight ratio. Sometimes only because of the number of pallets. Check our cost table to calculate the local transportation cost within G.T.A.

21. How much is a cubic meter? 

A cubic meter is the multiplication of the width x length x height in units of meter (0.00 cm)Mt3 = L x A x A (Meters)

 A cubic meter is approximately 30 cubic feet or equivalent to 6 medium suitcases.

22. Does the company offers the service of packaging and palletizing? 

Yes, Extra Luggage is expert in the entire process of packaging furniture and other large items. Clothing and other minor items for personal use are excluded. Packaging costs $ 120 per hour - 2 people specialized and including materials. (Does not include transportation) Cost of elaboration of wooden box attached to the pallet / stowage with sanitized wood $ 70 dollars per Metro Cubico (transport not included) We provide boxes of various sizes. Cost per Box: 1 standard box-foot: $ 4.00; 1 foot-high resistance box: $ 6.00; 2-foot normal box: $ 7.00; 3-foot normal box $ 9.00. Cost per office: of boxes within the G.T.A: from 1 to 10 Units $ 15.00; From 11 to 30 Units $ 25.00 dls. More than 30 Units $ fee to determine.

23. Is there insurance to cover the loss of my luggage? 

Yes, Extra Luggage offers insurance for full/total loss (partial loss or partial damages are not covered). The cost of insurance is 3%. Minimum value to insure $ 400 Canadian and maximum $ 2,500 Canadian. Check the specifications in our Terms & Conditions agreement.

24. What is the meaning of the following abbreviations: 

AWB – Air Way Bill

IATA - International Air Transport Authority

CAF - Currency Adjustment Factor

BAF - Bunker Adjustment Factor (a fuel surcharge)

FS - Fuel Surcharge

SEC - Security Surcharge.

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